List of Zarma names of domestic and wild animals of Niger

The names of the animals are given in the following tables:

  1. Wild animals: reptiles
  2. Wild animals: birds
  3. Wild animals: mammals
  4. Wild animals: other animals
  5. Domestic animals

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Wild animals: reptiles

Zarma name: English name, Dutch name, French name

ankura: spur-thighed tortoises, landschildpad, tortue terrestre

baou: Nile monitor. Nijlvaraan, varan du Nil

damé: (African) chameleon, (Afrikaanse) kameleon, caméléon (africain)

danfane: small common lizard, kleine hagedis, margouillat (petit lézard)

firssa: cobra, cobra, cobra

gasama: salamander, salamander, salamandres

gondi: snake, slang, serpent

karay: crocodile, krokodil, crocodile

karé: (Nile) crocodile, (Nijl)krokodil, crocodile (de Nil)

kmbiti: spurred tortoise, spoorschildpad, tortue terrestre

komni: savannah monitor, Savanne varaan, varan des sables

koroboto / korboto: frog, kikker, grenouille

kourkour: ball python, koningspython, python royal

tchimbiti: helmeted tortoise, gehelmde schildpad, tortue

waïtam: (sand) boa, (zand)boa, boa (d'Afrique occidentale)

youmaï: inland water tortoise, zoetwater schildpad, torue d'eau douce

Wild animals: birds

Zarma name: English name, Dutch name, French name

aku: African grey parrot, grijze roodstaartpapegaai, perroquet gris du Gaboŋ

birkibirki cece: Egyptian goose, nijlgans, oie d'Egypte

bogobogo: cattle egret, koereiger, héron garde-boeuf

burtakoy: namaqua dove, langstaartduif (maskerduif), tourterelle de cap

burtu: northern ground hornbill, Abessijnse hoornraaf, grand calao

curo: bird, vogel, oiseau

curo bi: helmeted guinea fowl, helmparel hoen, pintade

curo kayna: wad birds, waddevogels, oiseaux limicoles

dada: Abyssinian roller, Sahelscharrelaar, roller d'Abyssine

dadar: purple swamp hen, purperkoet, poule sultane

darfanda: francolin, frankolijn, francolin

fitifita: duck (shoveler / garganey / chestnut-bellied sand grouse, eend (slobeend / zomertaling / roodbuikzandhoen), canard (canard souchet / sarcelle d'été / ganga du Sénégal)

gabou (noori guyya): sacred ibisheilige ibisibis sacré

harikuna: common moorhen, waterhoen, poule d'eau

haro-boŋ curo: African jacana, lelieloper, jacana à poitrine dorée

hen-daw: pintail (duck), pijlstaart (eend), canard pilet

hendow: knob-billed goose, knobbeleend, canard casqué

hoisa: grey heron, blauwe reiger, héron cendré

kaarey wandey: pink-backed pelican, kroeskoppelikaan, spatule d'Afrique

kolwen: vinaceous dove, wijntortel, tourterelle vineuse

kolwen gubba: touraco, toerako, touracos

kolwen kirya: speckled pigeon, gespikkelde duif, pigeon de Guinée

kotikoti: (northern red-billed) hornbill, neushoornvogel, petit calao

koysa: great egret, grote zilverreiger, grande aigrette

kubu gorwa: stone partridge, rotspatrijs, poule de rochers

kuku: owl, uil, hibou

mekidimbo: spur-winged goose, (Gambiaanse) gans, canard armé

nkaago: black crowned-crane, zwarte kroonkraan, grue couronnée

noru guya: whistling-duck (fulvous & white-faced), boomeend (gele & witwang ), dendrocygne fauve

taatagay: ostrich, struisvogel, autruche

toka: white-bellied bustard, senegaltrap, poule de pharaon

tsourbela: Sudan bustard, trapgans, grande outarde

walia: Abdim's stork, regenooievaar, cigogne d'Abdim.

Wild animals: mammals

Zarma name: English name, Dutch name, French name

ayu: West African manatee, Westafrikaanse lamatijn, lamantin

baŋa: hippopotame, nijlpaard, hippopotamus

bessa: Senegal kob, kob , cobe de buffon

birŋa {bilnya}: desert warthog / wild boar, wrattenzwijn / wild zwijn, phacochère / sanglier

bugdari: striped polecat / zorilla, gestreepte bunzing, zorille commun

buka: common duiker, Grimm's duiker, céphalophe de Grimm

ce beri: (African) elephant, (Afrikaanse) olifant, éléphant (africain)

fondey: Coke's hartbeest, Coke's hartbeest, bubale

foono: monkey, aap, singe

foono bi: baboon, baviaan, babouin

foono kirey: patas monkey, patasaap, singe rouge (patas)

gamagie: flying fox, vleermuis, chauve-souris

ganji-farkay: waterbuck, waterbok, cobe onctueux

ganji-yo: giraffe, giraf, giraffe

hamkardji: African crested porcupine, gekuifd stekelvarken, porc-épic du Nord de l'Afrique

hari hansi: (spotted necked) otter, (gevlekte) otter, loutre (a cou tachete)

haw bi: (Cape) buffalo, (Afrikaanse) buffel, buffle

himbouka: oribi, oribi, ourebi

jeri: gazelle (dorcas / red-fronted), gazelle (dorcas / Thomson's), gazelle (dorcas / à flancs roux)

kaabi: (long nosed) mongoose, mangoeste, mongouste

kogné (also: kuregé): squirrel, eekhoorn, ecureuil

kunu: hedgehog, egel, hérisson

kuregé (also: kogné): squirrel, eekhoorn, ecureuil

mari: cheeta, jachtluipaard, guépard

me  kwaaray: Roan antelope, Roan antiloop, antilope cheval

musu beri: lion, leeuw, lion

tobey: hare, haas, lièvre

toboy, toboyo rabbit, konijn, lapin

tuntungari: bushbuck, bosbok, guib harnaché

wankalga: vervet monkey, blauwaap, singe vert (vervet)

zibda: civet cat, civetkat, civette

zoŋo: (golden) jackal, jakhals, chacal

Wild animals: others

Zarma name: English name, Dutch name, French name

alman: animal, dier, animal

alokoto: giant African land snail, agaatslak, achatine (de gros escargot terrestre)

alpha tiow-tiow: butterfly, vlinders, papillons

annoori: ant, mier, fourmi

antanda: red ant, rode mier, fourmi rouge

aŋwaara: insect, parasiet, parasite

bargalu: fire fly, vuurvlieg, luciole

beri beri: praying mantis, bidsprinkhaan, mante

dadara: banded-legged golden orb-web spider, spin met gestreepte poten, araignée à patte rayé

dan: scorpion, schorpioen, scorpion

dan beri: 'waltzing' spider, walsende spin, araignée valser

dan bi: African emperor scorpion, zwarte reuze schorpioen, scorpion noir géant

diana: freshwater mussel, zoetwater mossel, moule d'eau douce

do / do-ize: locust, grasshopper, veldsprinkhaan, acridiens (sauterelle/criquet)

dusu: termite, termiet, termite

fotoforo: carp, karper, carpe

gandafarkey: common ant-lions (doodle bugs), mierenleeuwen, fourmilions

gangamize: parasite / insect, insect, insecte

hamisa: fish, vis, poisson

hamni bi: common housfly, vlieg, mouche

hawlondi: paper wasps, veldwespen, polistes

jingam: freshwater mussels, zoetwater mossels, moules d'eau douce

kaïdiya ize: red velvet mite, rode fluweel mijt, mite

kollo: cricket, krekel, grillon

kondjandjé: millipede, duizendpoot, mille-pattes

kumbakumba: flea, vlo, pouce

loulou: freshwater snail, zoetwaterslak (drager van Schistosoma mansoni), escargot d'eau douce

norizé: cyprea shell, cyprea schelp, cauri

sagey do: locust, grasshopper, veldsprinkhaan, acridiens (sauterelle/criquet)

soboro: mosquito, muskiet, moustique

sorbo: mosquito, muskiet, moustique

yu: bee, bij, abeille

Domestic animals

Zarma name: English name, Dutch name, French name

alada [birnya/birŋa]:  pig, varken, cochon/porc

bari: horse, paard, cheval

birnya/birŋa [alada]: pig, varken, cochon/porc

farkay: donkey, ezel, âne

feji: sheep, schaap, mouton

goroŋo: chicken, kip, poule

hansi: dog, hond, chien

haw: cow, koe (rund), boeuf

hincin: goat, geit, chèvre

kolnay [tantabal]: pigeon, duif, pigeon

musu: cat, kat, chat

tantabal [kolnay]: pigeon, duif, pigeon

yo: camel/dromedary, dromedaris, dromadaire

Last updated: 08 februari 2012