Fully revised Test version (including extra)
For students using a slow internet connection part of the course may give problems due to pictures and sound files. Downloading of the zip file and installing this in a directory of your own computer may overcome these problems.

Alas, there might still be some minor things that don't work correctly.
Please, help me to improve the site and report errors or problems.

Berlin bear painted by Niger artist. Exhibition Berlin 2004
Download: Zarma course version 1.12.2 (22-August-2006; 14.9 MB)

This file cannot be used directly, but has to be unpacked with an unzip programme. Therefore you need such a programme to be able to work with the html files. A reference to a freeware programme that can be used is given below.
  • Place the zip file in a temporary directory, for example C:\Temp\...
  • Create a directory in which you want to put the course, for example
    C:\Program Files\Zarma
  • Unpack the zip file with help of a programme such as Zipcentral or Winzip (see below), and let the programme put the files into the created directory.
  • You can start the course via Windows Explorer, go to the directory with the course and click index.html.
    Of course, you may make a shortcut and add this to you start menu (see your Windows manual).


Unzip/Zip programmes

An elegant and simple to use zip/unzip programme for Windows is zipcentral. This is 1,1 MB and has an option to quick launch the programme by clicking with  the right mouse button on the .zip file shown in the Windows explorer, as well as to choose the option 'extract to..' . This programme has it own screen for packing (zip) and unpacking (unzip) files, as well as for viewing the content of zip files. The functionality of this freeware programme is certainly competitive to that of the much more know shareware programme 'Winzip'.


Last updated: 26 december 2009