Alfari haalo bare

The text of this introduction comes from a book titled 'Gaham saajawyaη - Hygiène du corps (en langue zarma)' (pages 1, 2, 4 and 5) published by SIL Niger. The text has been slightly modified and the spelling has been adapted to the one used in this course. The booklet contains also a French translation of the text. This translation is used in addition to the Zarma text to provide the English translation. Thereafter, the transcription and English translation is given.


Alfari's attitude has changed (translation partly based on French text)

At Alfari's compound every one is dirty. Their clothing is dirty and torn. They sit on the soil and they walk barefoot.  They are always tired and ill.

A tree branch has wounded Alfari's leg; the wound festers and smells badly. What is happening? Alfari has an ulcer, because he doesn't wash himself. He doesn't have soap nor antiseptics at home. Alfari hasn't treated his wound and now he has an ulcer.  

Some day at the health centre, Alfari heard it is dirt that makes him ill.  At the medical centre, the nurse saw immediately the bad habits of Alfari's family. He asked Alfari insistently to participate in a health course. Now, Alfari understood what he should do and he even bought a block of soap.

Now Alfari has changed his attitude; he shows to his children how they have to care for their body. Look how Alfari's family has changed. Their clothing is washed, their bodies are clean and they wear sandals. Their mother is happy.



Alfari's attitude has changed (transcription)

<uap> = particle of uncompleted action, positive, indicative mood
<uan> = particle of uncompleted action, negative, indicative mood
<ucp> = particle of completed action, positive, indicative mood
<ucn> = particle of completed action, negative, indicative mood
<sm> = particle of subjunctive mood or of narrative mood
<pim> = particle of positive imperative mood, plural

Zarma English
Alfari nda nga windo almayaalo kulu no ga ziibi. Alfari / and / his / compound / family / all / <uap> / dirty / .
I bankaarey ga ziibi, i tooru-tooru mo. Their / clothing / <uap> / dirty / , / they / torn-torn / too / .
Ganda laabo ra no i go no fa goro, Down / soil / on / it is / they / <uap> / it is/ <used to intensify expression> / to sit / ,
koyne mo ce-koonu no i go ga dira. again / too / foot-naked / it is / they/ <uap> / <uap>/ to walk / .
Alwaati kulu, farga nda jante[1] ra no i go. Time / all / , / tiredness / and / illness / in / it is / they / <uap> / .
Tuuri kambe na Alfari ca maray, Tree / branch / <ucp> / Alfari(s) / leg / to be injured / .
biyo fumbu ga te jombo. the wound / to smell badly / and / to fester / .
Ifo no go ga te? What / it is / <uap> / <uap> / to do / ?
Alfari te jombo, zama a si nyumay se. Alfari / to have / ulcer / , / but / he / <uan> / to wash oneself / for / .
A sinda saafun, a sinda safari fu. He / to not have / soap / , / he / to not have / medicine / home / .
Alfari mana nga biyo safar, sohon a te jombo. Alfari / <ucn> / his / wound / to treat medically / , / now / ha / to have / ulcer / .
Hanfo, lokotoro kwaara, Alfari maa[2] kaη ziibo no go ga a jantandi[3]. Some day / , /  health centre / , / Alfari / to hear / that / dirt / it is / <uap> / <uap> / him / to make ill / .
Lokotora kwaara, waasi boη no lokotora di Alfari almayaalo haalo. Health centre / , / at once / it is / the (male) nurse/ to see / Alfari(s) / family / bad habits / .
A na Alfari ηwaaray a ma kaa[4] ga hangan baano cawo boη se. He / <ucp> / Alfari / to ask insistently / he / <sm> / to come / and / to listen / health / study / himself / .

Sohon, Alfari faham nda mate[5] kaη nga ga te,

Now / Alfari / to understand / and / the way that / he / <uap> / to do / ,
a na ba saafun fareje boη day. he / <ucn> / even / soap / block / himself / to buy / .

Sohon Alfari haalo bare,

Now / Alfari / attitude / to change / ,
a go ga cabe nga zankey se mate[5] kaη i ga gaham saajaw nda. ha / <uap> / <uap> / to show / his / children / to / how / they / <uap> / body / to care for / with / .
Wa guna mate[5] kaη Alfari almayaalo bare. <pim> / to look / how / Alfari / family / to change / .

Bankaarey go nyumante, gahamey ga hanan, taamu go cey ga.

Clothing / <uap> / washed / , / the bodies / <uap> / clean / , / shoe / <uap> / foots / on / .
Waybora go ga farhan. The woman / <uap> / <uap> / to be happy / .

Spelling in original text
[1] jonte (used in Songhay Djenné; Heath, 1998b)
[2] ma
[3] jontandi (probably derived from jonte, see [1])
[4] ka
[5] mata


Last updated: 11 februari 2012