Ordinal numbers |
The ordinal numbers in Zarma are based on the cardinal numbers except for the first (sintina). An ordinal number is formed by adding 'anta' to the cardinal numbers. In case the cardinal number ends on an 'a' or an 'i', this 'a' or 'i' are replaced. In case the cardinal number ends on an 'u' this 'u' is only replaced for ahakku.
ihinkanta |
sintina |
ihinzanta |
Ordinals 1-10 |
Ordinal numbers 1 - 10
Zarma |
English |
Zarma |
English |
cardinal |
ordinal |
ordinal |
cardinal |
ordinal |
ordinal |
afo |
sintina |
first |
iddu |
idduanta |
sixth |
ihinka |
ihinkanta |
second |
iyye |
iyyanta |
seventh |
ihinza |
ihinzanta |
third |
ahakku |
ahakkanta |
eighth |
itaaci |
itaacanta |
fourth |
iyegga |
iyegganta |
ninth |
iggu |
igguanta |
fifth |
iway |
iwayanta |
tenth |
Ordinals above 10 |
For the numbers higher than 10 the ordinal number is formed in the same way as the numbers below 10. For the 11th, 21th et cetera, the ordinal number is the same as the cardinal number.
In the higher number the cardinals are frequently used instead of the ordinals. |
Ordinal numbers higher than 10
Zarma |
English |
iway cindi fo |
eleventh |
iway cindi hinkanta |
twelfth |
warankanta |
twentieth |
waranka cindi fo |
twenty-first |
waranka cindi ahakkanta |
twenty-eighth |
Numerical adverbs |
Number of times
The word ce or sorro in combination with the cardinal number is used to indicate the number of times, for example:
Zarma |
Engish |
ce fo, sorro fo |
once, one time |
ce hinka, sorro hinka |
twice, two times |
ce boobo |
many times |
Combinations with first
English |
Zarma |
Remark |
at first, first |
sintina, me fo |
also means: together, simultaneously, at the same time |
in the first place |
jina |
also means: in front, in front of, before; yet, already
example: M' a naŋ jina Let him first |
to be first |
jin |
also means: to precede, to go before |
first born |
hay jine, hay jina |
first, senior or only wife |
wargida |
Hausa origin |
Combinations with last
English |
Zarma |
Remark |
to do last |
kokor |
also means: to do recently; to do subsequently;
kokor can be used in verb link constructions to give an adverbial flavour:
A kokor ga kaa He wound up coming
A kokor ga ci ay se He finally told me
Ay kokor ga di a I saw it at last |
last, final |
kokoro |
also could be used: bananta, banda wane, kokoro banda wane |
in the last place, last of all, at last |
kokoro banda |
last year |
mannaŋ {manan} |
see time |
Idiomatic expressions |
There are some idiomatic expressions with first and second |
English |
Zarma |
first, senior or only wife |
wargida [H] |
second or subsequent wife in plural marriage |
wayce |
second story |
jidan bisa (Hausa; lit. house up above); sooro, soora |