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Cawyaŋ Zarma Sanni

Group of musicians in the street of Niamey, Niger, playing traditional instruments

Zarma culture: popular music

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Mali Yaro :  Walambandi

Mali Yaro and his group Gombé Star are well known for their appearance at weddings. Doula Boureima, named Mali Yaro, is singer and leader of the group. The other members of the group are: Papa Rassoulalaye Gueye (dance rhythmically), Omar Tankari (soloist), Mahamadoul-Habibou Elh Amadou (bass), Seydou Mounkaila (drums), Manzo Abdoulaye (tam-tam), and Boubacar Kandou (trumpet) [source].

Some information and three song can be found at Fofo Magazine, Walambandi, Zakey and La Paix at MP3

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Mali Yaro
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Other videos are available on YouTube, for a nice list view here.

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      Dico Fraters, the Netherlands © 2004-2016      
Last updated: 20 Januari, 2016