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Cawyaŋ Zarma Sanni

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Dictionary Zarma - English



  a \a\ /a/ (L1) [nga]
1. (subj.pron.) he, she, it; a koy fu he/she went home
2. (obj.pron.) his, her, it; ay ga baa r'a I like him/her/it
3. (pos.pron.) his, her, its; a hansi bu her/his dog died
  abada \â \ /'abada/ $ (L8,11,17)
1. (adv.) never, not at all;
hala ~ /hal abada/ (adv.) forever, eternally (literally: until never; like French «a jamais»)
2. (interj.) no ! (emphatic)
  abaara, abaaraa (H) \a baa ra\ /a'baɾa/ [hi; meele]
(n.) small makeshift boat for local use
  adda, addaa \ad da\ /ɑd'da/ (L5)
(n.) machete, chopper
  adduwa, adduwaa (H) \ad du wa\ /ɑd'duwa/ (L9) [alfaatiyaŋ te, gaara]
(n.) prayer (in general);
te adduwa \te ad du wa\ (v.) to pray (in general)
  adili, adila \a di li\ // (L22)
(adj.) right; honest, loyal, sincere
  adilitaray, adilitara {adiltarey, /a} \a di li ta ray\ // (L22)
(n.) honesty, loyalty, sincerity, righteousness
adilitaray-jaŋay \\ (n.) unrighteousness
  afo, afa \à\ // (abbr. fo)
1. (adj.) the one, the other;
afo koyne
\à koy ne\ (adj.) another
2. (card.num.) one, 1
\a fo - fo\ (interj.) one by one, one each (L8)
afo kulu \\ (pron.) all, every one, both; (with negative) no one; wayboro iyye kaŋ afo kulu go ga nga ize hampa seven women, all carrying their child on their back
  afolloŋ {afollon} \a fol loŋ\ // (L12) (abbr. folloŋ)
(adv.) only one, just one, a single
  afooyaŋ \a foo yaŋ\ // (L12) (abbr. fooyaŋ)
(determ.) some (numerically, that can be counted), a few, several; others
zama afooyaŋ go no kaŋ ga ne for there are some that say
a ga hin ka afooyaŋ mo dondonandi koyne
he will be able to teach others also
  afrillu (F) \\ // (G)
(n.) April (Zarma normally use Muslim, lunar, calendar instead of Roman calendar)
  agusta (F) \\ // (G)
(n.) August (Zarma normally use Muslim, lunar, calendar instead of Roman calendar)
  aha \ã hã\ // (L2) [haŋ'a]
(adv.) no
  ahakkanto, ahakkanta {ahakanto} \â hak kan to\ // (L24)
(ord.num.) eighth, 8th
  ahakku {ahaku} \â hak ku\ // (L3)
(card.num.) eight, 8
  aku \\ // (L5)
(n.) African grey parrot (bird)
  alaada, alaadaa \a laa da\ //
(n.) habit, tradition, custom
  alade, alada \\ // (L5) [birŋa]
(n.) pig (domestic animal)
  alaamisi, alaamisa (A){alhamisi, alkamisa} \a laa mi si\ // (L17)
(n.) Thursday
  alarba (A) \a lâr ba\ // (L17)
(n.) Wednesday
  alaasar, alaasaro \a laa sar\ // (L4)
(n.) (prayer) time from 4:30 till 5:00 p.m.
  alaatumi, alaatumo \a laa tu mi\ // (L26) [SK alaatim, alaatimo]
(n.) orphan (of one or both parent)
  albarka \al bar ka\ // (L8)
(interj.) What a profit ! Lower the price ! (if exclamation of a buyer), Increase the price ! (if exclamation of a seller)
albarka gaara .. se \\ (v.) to bless (lit. to pray for profit for)
  albasan, albasano {albasa; albassan; albassañ; SK albesel, albeselo} \al ba san)\ // (L8)
(n.) onion
  alboray, albora \al bo ray\ // (L26)
(n.) brother- or sister-in-law
  alboro, albora \al bo ro\ // (L5)
(n.) male, man (i.e. not woman)
  alborotaray, alborotara \al bo ro ta ray\ // (L10) [bande; hanji]
(n.) virility; manhood, privy member, (by ext.) penis, testicles
  alcirka (SK) \al cir ka\ // (L24) [curkusu; arcirkar]
(v.) to eat breakfast, to break one's fast
  alcirkaaray, alcirkaara (SK) {alcirikarey} \al cir kaa ray\ // (L24) [curkusay; arcirkar]
(n.) breakfast, morning meal
  alcirkaarayyaŋ, alcirkaarayyaŋo (SK) {alcirkaareyyoŋ} \al cir kaa ray yaŋ\ // [arcirkaryaŋ]
(n.) breakfasting, action of eating in the morning
  alfa, alfaa \al fa\ // (L3) [alfaga, malam; meetar]
(n.) marabou, religious teacher; (by extension) priest
  alfaga, alfagaa \àl fa ga\ // (L3) [alfa, malam; meetar]
(n.) marabou, religious teacher; (by extension) priest
  alfari, alfaro {alferi} \al fa ri\ // (L8)
(n.) farmer; farm worker; plower
  alfaatiya, alfaatiyaa (A) {alfaatia} \al faa ti ya\ // (L9)
(n.) prayer (personal request, not recited)
alfaatiya te (A) \al faa ti ya te\ (v.) to pray (personal request)(L9) [adduwa, gaara]
  alfazar, alfazaro {SK alfazaru, /o} \al fa zar\ // (L13)
(n.) dawn, daybreak; first prayer call; (prayer) time 4:30 am till 6:00 am
  alfukaaru. alfukaaro \al fu kaa ru\ //
(n.) poor, poor person, needy, person in need
  alfukaarutaray. alfukaarutara \al fu kaa ru\ //
(n.) poverty, destitution, need; baa alfukaarutaray ra i na ngey nooyaŋey no da baayaŋ even in their deep poverty they give their gifts with
  algarulla, algarulla (SKd) \al ga rul la\ //
(n.) dye, colouring agent
  alhaa {alahã, alhanna} \al haa\ // (L4)
to give pardon to;
alhaa naŋ \al haa naŋ\ (interj.) sorry, excuse me (mild excuse);
alhaa kuna (interj.) I’m sorry (more serious excuse);
alhaa si (interj.) you are excused, that’s all right [alhaa kansi]
alhaa kansi (interj.) you are excused, that’s all right [alhaa si]
  alhadi, alhado (A) \al ha di\ // (L17)
(n.) Sunday
  alhamdulilahi (A) \\ // (L15)
(interj.) Praise be to God !
  alkama, alkamaa \al ma\ // (L8)
(n.) wheat
  alman, almano {almen} \al man\ // (L5, 25) [dabbe; ganji ham]
(n.) domestic animal; livestock
alman laalo, alman laala \\ (n.) beast
  almaaray {almare} \al maa ray\ // (L4, 7) [hiire]
(v.) to pass the later evening until bedtime (used in greetings)
  almaari, almaaro \al maa ri\ // (L4)
(n.) (prayer) time 8:30 till 9:00 p.m.; (by extension) evening after dark up to bedtime; sun set
  Almasihu \\ // (L9)
(n.) Christ (proper name); Yesu ~ Jesus Christ
  almayaali, almayaalo \al ma yaa li\ // (L26)
(n.) family, all members of a household;
windo almayaali \\ (n.) all family members living in the compound
  almeti (F) {alumeti; almeyti} \al ti\ // (L6)
(n.) matches
  alokoto \\ // (L5)
(n.) giant African land snail (animal)
  alpha tiow-tiow \\ // (L5)
(n.) butterfly (animal)
  alsilaama, alsilaamaa {alsilaami, /o} \al si laa ma\ //
(n.) moslim
  aluula, aluulaa \a luu la\$ // (L4)
(n.) (prayer) time 2:30 or 3:00 p.m.
  alwaati, alwaato {alwati} \al waa ti\ // (L6) (abbr. waati)
(n.) season, (length of) time, period
(see waati for expressions)
  alzanna, alzannaa (A) \al zan na\ // (L17) [beene; Irikoy do]
(n.) paradise, heaven, place of sensual delights
  alzuma, alzuma (A) \al zu ma\$ // (L17) [Han Beeri]
(n.) Friday
  amaana, amaanaa \a maa na\ // (L23)
(n.) confidence, trust (sentiment or feeling not an object or thing); agreement; principle, cause, reason, motive
  amerika \\ //
1. (n.) America
2. (adj). American [amerken]
amerik(a) boro, amerik(a) bora \\ (n.) American, American woman (L6)
  amerken \\ // (L6)
(adj.) American
  amiin \\ // (L7, 17)
(interj.) amen (to any reply to a greeting which begins with Irikoy ma ..., the other answers Amin !)
  amma {ama} \am ma\ // (L7) [day]
(adv.) but, however
  ankoru, ankoro \\ //
(n.) hip
  ankura, ankura \\ // (L5)
(n.) spur-thighed tortoises (reptile)
  annasaara, annasaaraa \àn na saa ra\ // (L8, 16)
(n.) European; other lighter skinned person whose tribal name isn’t known (could also refer to Chinese or Turk. In short not boro bi);
annasaara botogo
\\ (n.) plaster cast, plaster, cast (lit. white man's clay)
  anniya, anniyaa \an ya\ // (L18)
1. (n.) decision; intention; diligence, zeal
da anniya \da an ya\ (adv.) diligently, zealously
2. (adv.) determinately, spiritedly
  annoori \\ // (L5)
(n.) ant (animal)
  antanda, antanda \\ // (L5)
(n.) red ant (animal)
  anzuray, anzura \an zu ray\ // (L26)
(n.) mother-in-law; father-in-law
anzuray alboro, anzuray albora
\\ (n.) father-in-law
anzuray wayboro, anzuray wayboro \\ (n.) mother-in-law
  aŋwaara, aŋwaaraa \\ // (L5)
(n.) insect
  araŋ \a raŋ\ /a'rɑn/ (L1)
1. (subj.pron.) you [ye] (plural, never singular); araŋ kaa kwaara you can to town
2. (obj.pron.) you (plural, never singular); ay n' a ne araŋ I said it to you
3. (pos.pron.) your (plural, never singular); araŋ tirey go beeri your books are big
  aru-hiiji, aru-hiijo {arhiiji, arhijo} \a ru hii ji\ // (L26)
(n.) bridegroom, groom; newly married man
  arcirkar \ar cir kar\ // (L24) [curkusu; SK alcirka]
(v.) to eat breakfast, to break one's fast
  arcirkar, arcirkaro \ar cir kar\ // (L24) [curkusay; SK alcirkaarey]
(n.) breakfast, morning meal
  arcirkaryaŋ, arcirkaryaŋo \ar cir kar yaŋ\ // [SK alcirkaareyyoŋ]
(n.) breakfasting, action of eating in the morning
  arkusu, arkuso \ar ku su\ // (L25)
(n.) elder, honoured adult;
arkusu beeri \\ (n.) village elder, counsellor
  arme, armo {arme, arma} \ar me\ // (L7)
(n.) brother (only of a female)
  aru, aro \a ru\ //
(n.) male
aru-baa \\ homosexual (plural: aru-baay)
aru-gam, aru-gamo \a ru - gam, a ru - gam o\ (n.) middle age man (between 30 and 50)
aru-hiiji, aru-hiijo \\ (n.) broom, young married man
aru-zeeno, aru-zeena \a ru - zee no\ (n.) old man
  arwasu, arwaso \ar wa su\ // (L26)
(n.) fiancé, boy friend, adolescent boy until marriage
  arzaka, arzakaa \ar za ka\ // (L18)
(n.) riches, wealth; goods
  asariya, asariyaa \\ //
(n.) law; hay kulu kaŋ go hantumante asariya tira ra all things that are written in the book of the law
asariya-jaŋay \\ without law
  asipti, asipto (A) {assibiti} \a sip ti\ // (L17)
(n.) Saturday
  attalaata, attalaataa (A) {atalata} \at ta laa ta\ // (L17)
(n.) Tuesday
  attini, attino (A) {atinin, atinni} \at ti ni\ // (L17)
(n.) Monday
  ay {e} \ay\ /aɪ/ (L1)
1. (subj.pron.) I, ay koy I departed
2. (obj.pron.) me, a no ay se he/she gave it to me
3. (pos.pron.) my, ay kayna my little brother;
(pos.pron.) ~ wone mine; ay wone no it is mine
  ayu, ayuwoo {ayuu, ayuuwo} \\ // (L5)
(n.) West African manatee (mammal)
  azawa {azawak} \a wa\ // (L22)
(n.) north


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Last updated: 20 Januari, 2016