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Dictionary Zarma - English



  General remark
Adjectives may have a prefix "i", either as predicative adjective with the verb "no" or when the noun antecedent is clear from the context, see Lesson 13.
If a word is not in this list one might find it in the list with the second letter.
  i \i\ // (L1) [ngey; ey]
1. (subj.pron.) they; i di arwasu fo they saw a young man
2. (obj.pron.) them; a ne i se he said to them
3. (pos.pron.) their; i sanno binde kaan a se their words pleased him
  ibambata \i bam ba ta\ // (with noun bambata)
(pred. adj) very large, very big, huge
  ibare, ibaro {ibar, /a; iberi, ibero} \i ba re\ // (L10)
(n.) enemy; ay ma ciya ibare ni ibarey se I will be an enemy to your enemies
  ibaretaray, ibaretara {ibertarey, ibertara} \i ba re ta ray, i ba re ta ra\ //
(n.) enmity, hostility, animosity; i na ibaretara din wi they ended those hostilities
  ibeeri \\ // (with noun beeri)
1. (pred.adj.) big; important, great; ay maa ga ciya ibeeri dumi cindey game ra my name is great among the nations
  2. ibeeri, ibeero \\ //
(n.) first-born, older, greatest
jama kulu, ibeeri gaa, ikayna gaa all the people from the least even to the greatest
  iblisi, ibliso \i bli si\ //
(n.) devil
  iboobo \i boo bo\ // (with noun boobo)
(pred. adj.) much, many
  iddu \id du\ // (L3)
(card.num.) six, 6
dala iddu \\ (n.) 30 francs
dala iddu-iddu \\ (interj.) 30 francs apiece
iddu-iddu \id du - id du \ (interj.) six by six, six apiece (L8)
  iddanto, iddanta {idduanto, idduanta} \id dan to\ // (L24)
(ord.num.) sixth, zaari iddanta hane the sixth day
  ifo \i fo\ // (L9)
(pron.) what
ifo se \i fo se\ (adv.) what for, why (L9)
  igani \i ga ni\ // (with noun gani)
1. (adj.) fresh, uncooked, raw, igani wala hinante raw or cooked
2. (adj.) unripe
  iggu \ig gu\ // (L3) (with noun gu)
(card.num.) five, 5
  iguwante, iguwanta {igguanta} \i gu wan te\ // (L24) (with noun guwante)
(ord.num.) fifth
  ihanno, ihanna \i han no\ // (with noun hanno)
(pred.adj.) pure, good, beautiful, fine, holy
  ihinka \î hin ka\ // (L3) (with noun hinka)
(card.num.) two, 2
ihinka-hinka \i hin ka - hin ka\ (interj.) two by two, two apiece (L8)
  ihinkante, ihinkanta {ihinkanto, /a} \i hin kan te\ // (L24) (with noun hinkante)
(ord.num.) second
  ihinza \î hin za\ // (L3) (with noun hinza)
(card.num.) three, 3
  ihinzante, ihinzanta {ihinzanto, /a} \i hin zan te\ // (L24) (with noun hinzante)
(ord.num.) third
  ikayna {ikeyna} \i kay na\ // (with noun kayna)
1. (pred. adj.) little, small; ibeeri nda ikayna a great and a small
2. ikayna, ikayna (n.) least
  ikulu \i ku lu\ // (with noun or other word kulu)
(pred.adj.) all; wala ikulu ga salaŋ da ciine waani-waani yaŋ no? do all speak with various languages?
  imariyo {imerio} \\ // (with noun mariyo)
(pred.adj.) thin
  in \\ // [ni, nin]
(pron.) you (singular); Irikoy m’in hallasi may god protect you
  Ingilisi \\ // (L6)
(adj.) English
Ingilisi boro \\ (n.) English (wo)man
  ir \ir\ (L1) (abbr. of iri)
we, us, our (see iri)
  iri \i ri\ // (L1) (abbr. ir)
1a. (subj.pron.) we; iri go ga hantum araŋ se we are writing you
1b. (obj.pron.) us; ni naŋ iri ma banda bare you make us turn back
1c. (pos.pron.) our; iri maa d'iri hangey we have heard with our ears
2. (n.) colour [hari, dumi]
  Irikoy, Irikoyo {Irkoy, Irkoyo} \ir i koy, ir i koy o\ // (L6)
(n.) God (lit. our chief)
Irikoy do {Irkoy do} \\ (n.) heaven (L17) [alzanna, beene]
  isa \i sa\ // (L6) [gooru]
(n.) river
Isa \I sa\ (n.) (Zarma name for) Jesus (L6)
  itaacante, itaacanta {itaacanto, /a} \i taa can te\ // (L24)
(ord.num.) fourth
  itaaci {itaci} \î taa ci\ // (L3) (with noun taaci)
(card.num.) four, 4
  itaji, itajo {iteji, itejo} \\ // (with noun taji)
(adj.) new, unused; itaji nda izeeno new and old
  iway \î way\ // (L3) (with noun way)
(card.num.) ten, 10
iway cindi fo \î way cin di fo\ (card.num.) eleven, 11 (L6)
iway cindi hinka \î way cin di hin ka \ (card.num.) twelve, 12 (L6)
iway cindi hinza \î way cin di hin za\ (card.num.) thirteen, 13 (L6)
iway cindi taaci \î way cin di taa ci\ (card.num.) fourteen, 14 (L6)
iway cindi gu \î way cin di gu \ (card.num.) fifteen, 15 (L6)
iway cindi iddu \î way cin di id du\ (card.num.) sixteen, 16 (L6)
iway cindi iyye \î way cin di iy ye\ (card.num.) seventeen, 17 (L6)
iway cindi ahaku \î way cin di â ha ku\ (card.num.) eighteen, 18 (L6)
iway cindi yegga \î way cin di ye ga\ (card.num.) nineteen, 19 (L6)
  iwayante, iwayanta {iweyanto, iweyanta} \î way an te\ (L24) (with noun wayante)
(ord.num.) tenth
  iyegga {iyagganta} \î yeg ga\ // (L3) (with noun yegga)
(card.num.) nine, 9 (used without noun)
  iyeggante, iyegganta \\ (L24) (with noun yeggante)
(ord.num.) ninth
  iyyante, iyyanta {iyyeanto, /a} \î yyan te\ //
(ord.num.) seventh, amma jirbi iyyanta ga ti asibti but the seventh day is Saterday
  iyye \iy ye\ // (L3)
(card.num.) seven, 7
  ize, izo \i ze\ // (L4)
(n.) fruit, offspring, seed, child (in this sense)
ize albeeri, ize albeera \\ (n.) first-born
ize aru, ize aro\\ (n.) boy (L5)
ize foolo, ize foola \\ (n.) womb, uterus
ize way, ize wayo \\ (n.) girl (L5)
  izefutaray, izefutara \\ // (L22)
(n.) wickedness, evil state, practice of evil
  izeeno \î zee no\ // (with noun zeen, zeeno)
(pred.adj.) old, aged


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Last updated: 20 Januari, 2016