Cawyaŋ Zarma Sanni |
B |
ba {baa} \several\ // (L8, 13) \ba\ (adv.) even (precedes object); (conj.) even though (after verb or negation and before noun or pronoun) \ba\ (v.) to be abundant, numerous, a lot |
ba, baa \ba\ // (L11) (n.) portion |
baa# {ba} \baa\ // (L5) (v.) to like, to love, to desire, to want; ay ga baa r'a I like/love/want it, iri ma baa care let us love one another |
baaba, baabaa {baba; SK baabe, /o} \baa ba\ // (L6, 20) (n.) father, uncle on fathers site; baaba beeri paternal uncle older than father; baaba fumba \\ (n.) stepfather baaba gunde \\ (n.) real father baaba-ize \\ (n.) cousin baaba kayna \\ (n.) paternal uncle younger than father |
baga (SK) \ba ga\ // (L16) [bagu, pati, ceeri, garsi] (v.) to break, to burst (as a bag, bottle or dish does) |
bagu \bà gu\ // (L16) [pati, ceeri, garsi, baga] (v.) to break, to burst (as a bag, bottle or dish does) bagu-bagu \\ (v.) to smash to pieces [kortu-kortu] |
baaji, baajo {baji} \baa ji\ // (L12) (n.) alcoholic liquor, spirit(s) |
bakar {bakara} \bà kar\ // (L17) (v.) to feel pity, to pity, to have compassion |
bakaraw, bakarawo {bakarey, /a} \bà ka raw\ // (L17) (n.) mercy, pity, compassion; exhortation bine-bakaraw \bi ne - ~\ (n.) forgiveness |
baakasinay, baakasina {bakasine, bakasino; bakasiney, a/} \\ // (L26) (n.) emotion of love; romantic love, affection among members of a family, friendship's affection, |
baako, baakwa {bakow, bakowa} \\ // (plural: baakoy) (n.) love, sweetheart, beloved, dearest, darling; Oho, ya baakoy, wa haŋ iboobo Yea, drink abundantly, O beloved ones |
balaawu, balaawo {balaw, balawo} \ba laa wu, ba laa wo\ // (n.) pestilence, epidemic, plague; borey kaŋ yaŋ bu balaawo ra, boro zambar waranka cindi taaci no those who died by the plague were twenty-four thousand |
balle, balla {bella} \bal le\ // [surku, daaga] 1. (n.) Bella, former Touareg slave 2. (n.) potter |
bambana \bam ba na\ // (L25, G) (n.) 10th month on Islamic calendar (6th month of lunar year) |
bambata \bam ba ta\ // (L13) (v.) to be very large, very big, huge |
bambata, bambata* \bam ba ta\ // (L13) (without noun ibambata) (adj.) very large, very big, huge (never pred.adj.) |
bambu, bambo \bam bu\ // (L24) (n.) round one-room hut, mud wall, grass roof (noun; 24p) |
ban {SK ben} \ban\ // (L15) (v.) to finish, to end |
bana \ban a\ // |
baŋa, baŋa {banga} \ba ŋa\ // (L5) (n.) hippopotamus (mammal) |
banana, bananaa (F) \\ // (L15) (n.) banana |
banandi {banendi}\ba nan di\ // (v.) to make (someone) pay, reward |
banandi, banando {banendi}\ba nan di\ // [banay, banaya] (n.) pay, salary |
banako, banakwa {bankow, bankowa} \ba na ko\ // (L11) (n.) payer, paymaster, treasurer; avenger |
bananta \ba nan ta\ // (L24) [kokoro banda wanta, banda wane] (ord.num.) last |
bananto, bananta \ba nan to\ // (n.) person who has been paid, receiver; (adj.) {benanto, /a} ready, finished |
baŋawi {bangawi} \ba ŋa wi\ // (C) (n.) hippopotamus hunt |
banayaŋ, banayaŋo {banyoŋ, /o} \ba na yaŋ\ // (n.) (action of) paying, rewarding, .. |
banda {bande} \bàn da\ // $ (post.) after, with (accompanying, not by means of) gaani banda \\ (n.) fourth month of lunar year (L25) |
banda, bandaa \ban da\ // (L10, 18, 20, 24) 1. (n.) back, backbone (anatomy) 2. (adv.) behind, exterior of; banda fo \\ (adv.) levelled out, even; banda follon \\ (adv.) levelled out, even; banda wane \\ (ord.num.) last [bananta, kokoro banda wanta] |
bande, bando {bende, bendo} \\ // (L10) [alborotaray, hanji] (n.) penis, prick (offensive) |
bangandi \ban gan di\ // (L19) (v.) to reveal, to disclose, to show |
bangay {bangey, baŋgey} \ban gay\ // (L19) (v.) to appear, to manifest oneself, to turn up |
bangu, bango {baŋgu, /o} \ban gu\$ // (L21) (n.) pond, pool, water basin, lake |
baani, baano \baa ni\$ // (L1, 2) (n.) health (of the body); peace (of the mind or personality) baani samay \\ (interj.) just fine (reply to greeting questions) |
baanijaŋko, baanijaŋkwa \\ // (L22) (n.) sick person, patient |
baanikom, baanikomo \baa ni kom\ // (n.) a peaceful, humble and/or gentle person |
baanikoni \\ // (L22) [baanikoy] (n.) healthy person; a calm person |
baanikoy, baanikoyo \\ // [baanikoni] (n.) healthy person; a calm person |
bank, banko (F) \\ // (n.) bank (institute) |
bankaaray, bankaara \ban kaa ray\ // (L13) [daabiri] (n.) clothing Bora ma nga bankaarayey ɲuna He shall wash his clothes |
bannya, bannyaa {banya} \bann ya\ // (L22) (n.) male slave, servant, prisoner (of war) |
bante, banta \ban te\ // (n.) slip, small piece of cloth (worn by wrestlers) |
baou \\ // (L5) (n.) Nile monitor (reptile) |
bara \ba ra\ // (L20) [go, gonda] (v.) to be (form of verb to be that implies a state or quality of existence; in many case can be replaced by go and sometimes by gonda) |
bare {bere} \bà re\ // (L18, 21) (v.) to turn, to turn over, to turn around; to change bare-bare {ber-bere} \\ (v.) to travel from place to place, from town to town; err, wander, stray bare ka te \bà re ka tee\ (v.) to change into, to change and become, to be changed into |
bareyaŋ, bareyaŋo \\ // (L17) (n.) (action of) changing, turning, turning over |
bargalu \\ // (L5) (n.) fire fly (insect) |
bari, bariyo {beri, berio} \bà ri, bà ri yo\ // (L1, 5) (n.) horse bari gu, bari guwo \\ (n.) stallion bari-ize, bari-izo \\ (n.) foal bari-foolo, bari-foola \\ (n.) saddlebag bari tafa, bari tafa \\ (n.) mare bari-zuro, bari-zura \\ (n.) racehorse guuru bari, guuru bariyo \\ (n.) bike, bicycle [beelo; velo] |
barikoy, barikoyo \\ // (L11) (n.) owner of a horse, horseman |
barka \\ // (L10, 17) (interj.) Blessings!; Congratulations!; Best wishes! barka nda jire bareyaŋ Happy New Year (lit. Blessings at the turn of the year) |
barkar {bar kar} \bàr kar\ // (L17) (v.) to beg (professionally) |
barkarko, barkarkwa {bar karko} \\ // (n.) begger |
barma, barmaa \\ // (L5) (n.) granary, (grain) store |
barmanto, barmanta* \bar man to\ // (adj.) changed |
barmay {barmey} \bar may\ // (L21) (v.) to change, to exchange, to convert (verb; 21); barmay nangu {barmey noŋgori} \\ (v.) to transfer, to change place |
barmay, barma \bar may, bar ma\ // (L21) (n.) money, change |
barmayyaŋ, barmayyaŋo {barmeyyoŋ, /o} \bar may yaŋ, bar may yaŋ o\ // (n.) (action of) changing, making money |
barmayko, barmaykwa {barmeykow, /a} \bar may ko, bar may kwa\ // (n) money-changer, money-dealer |
baaru, baaro {baru, baro} \baa ru\ // (L13, 18) [labaari, kabaaru] (n.) news, information, story, history; baru si \bà ru si\ (adv.) suddenly, without warning [labari si] |
basi, baso {besi, beso} \ba si\ // (n.) pulp, flesh, meat basi ciray \\ (n.) raw meat |
bata, bataa \several\ // 1. \\ (n.) furrow; (by extension) mission; alfarey na ngey bata guwey kuukandi the plowers made their furrows long 2. \ba ta\ (n.) small box 3. \ba ta\ (n.) tom-tom, tam-tam |
batame, batama \bà ta me\ // (L24) (n.) space, field, open area |
batu \ba tu\ // (L16) [hangan] (v.) to wait, to wait for, to guard, to lie in wait iri ma batu hala a ma ka lets wait till he arrives batu te \\ (v.) to arrange an assembly |
batu, bato \ba tu, ba to\ // (L16) [marga] (n.) feast, game; assembly; place of assembly |
batuma, batumaa \\ // (L16) (n.) courtyard |
bay {bey} \bay\ // (L8) (v.) to know (both French verbs 'savoir' and 'connaître'); to be aware of; to recognize bay-bay \\ (v.) to know better bay ga \\ (v.) to already have; ay bay ga nwa I have already eaten |
baayandi {baayendi} \\ // (v.) to make to love (rare); to make a cow accept a sucking calf to drink |
baayaŋ, baayaŋo {baayoŋ, baayoŋo} \baa yaŋ, baa yaŋ o\ // (from baa) (n.) (act of) loving, wanting |
bayko, baykwa {beykow, beykowa} \bay ko\ // (n.) connoisseur, man of learning, savant |
bayrandi {beyrendi} \bay ran di\ // [cawandi, dandanandi, dondonandi] (v.) to make clear, to teach |
bayray, bayra {beyrey} \bay ray\ // (L23) (n.) knowledge; i si hin ka to cimo bayra gaa hal abada they will never able to come to the knowledge of the truth |
baytu {beytu} \bay tu\ // (L13) [doonuyaŋ] (v.) to sing a hymn |
baytu, bayto {beytu, beyto} \bay tu\ // (L13) (n.) hymn, religious song; araŋ ma bayto wo hantum araŋ boŋ se write this song for yourselves baytu te \\ (v.) to sing a hymn |
baytuyaŋ, baytuyaŋo \\ // (n.) (act. of) singing |
beebe \bee be\ // (v.) to be mute |
beebe, beeba \bee be\ // (L16) (n.) mute person (generally deaf as well) |
beele, beela \\ // [nuunebeele, /a] (n.) flame |
beelo, beela (F) \\ // [guuru bari, velo] (n.) bike, bicycle |
Belzik (F) \\ // (n.) Belgium (noun) |
beene {bene} \bee ne\ // (L2) (post.) above, up |
beene, beena {bene, /a} \bee ne, bee na\ // (L2, 17) [alzanna, Irikoy do] (n.) sky, heavens; heaven beene hari, beene haro \bee ne ha ri\ (n.) rain beene hi, beene hiyo {benehi} \bee ne hi\$ (n.) airplane (L17) [aviõ] |
beere, beero {bere, /o} \bee re\ // (L7) (n.) older brother or sister (or other close relative) beere-ize, beere-izo {beer'ize; ber'ize} \bee re i ze\ (n.) child of one's older sister or brother (L26) |
beeri {beri} \several\ // (L3, 15) 1. (v.) \bee ri\ to be big, to be important; to grow 2. (v.) \bee ri\ to chop, to fell (a tree); to dig (work soil the with a pickaxe), (by extension) to demolish |
beeri, beera* {beri} \bee ri\ // (L3) (without noun ibeeri) (adj.) big; important (never pred.adj.) |
beri beri \\ // (L5) (n.) praying mantis (animal) |
beeriyaŋ, beeriyaŋo {beeryoŋ, /o} \several\ // (L25) 1. (n.) \bee ri yaŋ, bee ri yaŋ o\ bigness, size 2. (n.) \bee ri yaŋ, bee ri yaŋ o\ (action of trees) felling, cutting, cutting down, knocking down |
bessa \\ // (L5) (n.) senegal kob (mammal) |
bi \several\ // 1. (v.) \bi\ to spin (thread or yarn) (L22) 2. (adv.) \bi\ yesterday; last (L3) bi cin \\ (adv.) last night (L16) bi fo \bi fo\ (adv.) before yesterday (usually two days ago, but may be some recent day) (L3) bi fo hendi \\ (adv.) the day before bi fo, that is three day ago (L17) [bi fo yongo] bi fo yongo \\ (adv.) the day before bi fo, that is three day ago (L17) [bi fo hendi] |
bi, bi, biyo* \bi, bi yo\ // (L9) (adj.) black bi-bi \\ (adj.) somewhat black bine-bi \bi ne - ~\ (adj.) cruel |
bi, biyo \bi, bi yo\ // (L22) 1. (n.) shade, shadow 2. (n.) sore, ulcer, wound (where the skin is broken) |
biirandi {biirendi} \bii ran di\ // (L19) (v.) to make black, blacken |
biiranto, biiranta* \bii ran to, bii ran ta\ // (adj.) blackened |
bilibala \\ // [bruweti, torko] (n.) wheelbarrow |
bina \bi na\ // (L15) (n.) the heart, the anger, the wrath (definite form of bine; see also bine) bina hẽ \\ (v.) to be sad bina kayna \\ (v.) to be irritated bina sara \\ (v.) to be sad bina zuku {bine zuku} \\ (v.) to provoke |
bindi \several\ // 1. (v.) \bin di\ to card (textile) 2. (post.) \bin di\ in the middle of [game] |
bindi, bindo \bin di, bin do\ // (L7) [game] (n.) middle, centre, ay kuuru-fuwo bindo ra in the middle of my tent |
bine \bi ne\ // (adv.) conversely, on the other hand |
bine, bina {bine, bino} \bi ne, bi na\ // (L10, 20, 23) |
bine kuna \\ // (L25) (n.) 9th month on Islamic calendar (5th month of lunar year) |
binya \bin ya\ // (L23) (v.) to be irritated, to be annoyed |
binya, binyaa \bin ya\ // (L23) (n.) irritation, annoyance |
biraw, birawo \\ // (n.) bow; ay ga Hama birawo ceeri I will break the bow of Hama |
biri \bi ri\ // (L20) (v.) to raise, to bring up (as child, animal) |
biri, biro {biri, biriyo} \several\ // 1. (n.) \bi ri, bi ro\ bone (L10, 20) 2. (n.) \bi ri, bi ro\ blackness (L25) |
birji, birjo \several\ // (L23) 1. (n.) \bir ji, bir jo\ circular net with leaded edges 2. (n.) \bir ji, bir jo\ manure, fertiliser, dung birji daŋ \~ daŋ\ to fertilise (a field) |
birkibirki cece \\ // (L5) (n.) Egyptian goose (bird) |
birnya see birŋa | |
birŋa {birnga, bilnya} \\ // (L5) [alade] (n.) desert warthog, wild boar (mammal); (perhaps sometimes used for) domestic pig |
birni, birno {binni, binno} \bir ni\ // (n.) city, foritfied village |
bisa# \bî sa\ // (L10) (v.) to go past, to be better than, to be preferable, to exceed |
bita \bì ta\$ // (L24) (v.) to be mushy, pasty, pulpy, squashy, viscous |
bita, bita \bì ta\$ // (L24) (n.) millet porridge (may apply to any gruel) |
biya {bia} \bi ya\ // (L17) 1. (v.) to get an early start, to leave early in the morning; to do early in the morning ; biya ga to begin early morning |
2. biya, biya \\// [fundi] (n.) soul, spirit biya-biya \\ (sky) alternate between sun and clouds biyatun \~ tun\ (v.) to lose one's bearings biya tunandi \~ tu nan di \ (v.) to drive someone to distraction |
biye, biyo \bi ye\ // [nooru] (n.) banknote |
bo \\ // (L18) (interj.) really, either (used to emphasize a contradiction or an argument for the opposite view); manti yadin no bo that is not the way it is either bo bo! \\ (interj.) No way ! |
boo \\ // (L17) (n.) (day)break, (dawn) shine out; moo boo \\ (n.) dawn, earliest light, crack of day |
boobo {bobow} \boo bo\ // (L8) (without noun iboobo) (adj.) much, many (always used with singular noun), a lot (never pred.adj.) |
bogobogo \\ // (L5) [boy-boy] (n.) Cattle Egret (bird; Bubulcus ibis) |
boogu {bogu} \boo gu\ // (v.) to work collectively (agriculture) |
boogu, booga {bogu, boga} \boo gu\ // (n.) collective work (agriculture) |
boogu, boogu, booga* \boo gu\$ // (L9) [(SKd) yargay] (adj.) green boogu-boogu \\ (adj.) greenish |
boŋ \boŋ\$ // (L2) (post.) on, upon, on the top |
boŋ, boŋo \boŋ, boŋ o\ // (6, 10) (n.) head (noun; 6, 10) (ref. pron.) oneself (when the 'self' is the direct object of a verb, just boŋ is added to the personal pronoun, before the verb) (L19) [bumbo], a na nga ~ mare he hurt himself. boŋ-dake \~ da ke\ (n.) cushion, pillow (lit. to place the head) (L24)[furkange] boŋ-hamni, boŋ-hamno \~ ham ni\ (n.) hair of head (L5, 10) boŋ-futay, boŋ-futa (boŋ-futey} \~ fu tay\ (n.) bad luck, misfortune (L16) [saara] te boŋ-futay (v.) to be unlucky (L16) boŋ-futo, boŋ-futa \\ (n.) unlucky person (L16) boŋ-kaanay, boŋ-kaana {~-kaaney} \~ kaa nay\ (n.) luck (L16) te boŋ-kaanay \\ (v.) to be lucky (L16) boŋ-kaano, boŋ-kaana \~ kaa no, ~ kaa na\ (n.) lucky person (L16) boŋ-londi, boŋ-londo \~ lon di, ~-lon do\ (n.) brain (L10, 20) boŋ sanda \\ (n.) self-will; i boŋ sanda ra in their self-will boŋ se \\ (ref.pron.) oneself (added to personal pronoun or any noun; way of expression the reflexive idea) (L19)[bumbo]; ay boŋ se myself, ma wo dandan ni boŋ se learn that for yourself |
bonandi {bonendi} \bo nan di\ // (v.) to bring misfortune; persecute (from bone) |
bonde, bondo {bondey, bonda/bondeyo} \bon de\$ // (L22) (n) wave (on water) |
bone \bo ne\ // (v.) to be in trouble, to bear misfortune |
bone, bona \bo ne, bo na\ // (n.) misfortune, trouble, problem |
bonkooni, bonkoono {boŋkoyni, boŋkoyno} \bon koo ni\ // (n.) chief (in general); king, prince, ... bonkooni daŋ \\ (v.) to make king/chief; ni ma bonkooni daŋ a se make him a king |
bonkooniyaŋ bonkooniyaŋ daŋ \\ (v.) to promote (to advance in rank, dignity, position, etc.) |
boori \boo ri\ // (L4, 15) 1. (pred.adj.) nice, good looking, pretty; beautiful (never attribute of a noun) 2. (v.) to be beautiful, to be good |
boori, booro \boo ri, boo ro\ // (n.) beauty |
boro, bora \bo rô, bo ra\$ // (L4) (n.) person, human, individual; boro bi, boro biyo \bo ro bi\ (n.) native of Africa, Negroid type (lit. black person) (L8) boro fo \bo ro fo\ (pron.) someone, somebody, a certain person (L4); i ra boro fo \\ one of them boro kulu \\ (pron.) everybody (L12) fu borey \fu bo rey\ (n.) members of one's immediate family (L26) |
boosa-boosa \boo sa - boo sa\ // (adj.) gray |
boosandi {boosendi} \boo san di\ // (from boosu) (v.) (to bring) to flower; to bring to, to raise to boil |
boosanto, boosanta \boo san to\ // (from boosu) (adj.) in bloom/flower/blossom; boiling |
boosay, boosa {boosey} \boo say\ // (n.) tamarind (tree; Tamarindus indica L.) boosay hari, boosay haro (n.) tamarind juice |
boosu \boo su\ // (L8) (v.) to flower; boil to make a mousse boosu-boosu {boos-boos} \boo su boo su\ to fume with rage, to boil with anger |
boosu, booso \several\ // (L8) \boo su, boo so\ (n.) flower \boo su, boo so\ {boosa}(adj.) charcoal black boosu-boosu {boosa-boosa} gray boosu gani light gray boosu nino dark gray |
botogo, botoga \bo to go\$ // (L12) 1. (n.) mud, clay (for building or pottery) annasaara botogo \\ (n.) plaster cast, plaster, cast (lit. white man's clay) 2. (adj.) muddy, clayey, clayish |
boy \boy\ // (v.) to drive (animals, ahead of oneself) boy-boy \boy - boy\ (n.) Cattle Egret (bird; Bubulcus ibis) [bogobogo] |
bruweti \\ // [bilibala, bruweti, torko] (n.) wheelbarrow |
bu \bu\ // (L3) (v.) to die; to slaughter (animals); to go out, to be extinghuised (fire) |
buci, buco \\ // (n.) banquet, feast, feasting; i buco ga ban the feasting will end buci fu, buci fuwo \\ (n.) banquet hall; a kande ay buci fuwo ra he brought me to the banquet hall buci te \\ (v.) to make a feast, to prepare a feast |
bugdari \\ // (L5) (n.) striped polecat / zorilla (African weasel, Ictonyx striatus; mammal)) |
buguda-buguda \\ // [hansi kuri], hansi kuro \\ (adj.) violet |
buka \\ // (L5) (n.) common duiker (mammal) |
buuko, buukwa {bukow} \bu ko, bu kwa\ // (L11) (from bu) (n.) dead person, corpse, (dead) body |
buula {bula} \buu la\ // [suniya; siini] 1. (adj.) blue buula gani light blue buula nino dark blue 2. buula, buula (n.) blueing (for washing) |
bulungu, bulungo \\ // 1. (n.) dust; 2. (adj.) dusty bulungu saaji, bulungu saajo \\ (n.) dry land (lit. dusty bush) |
bumbo (bumbey) \bum bo\ // (L19) [boŋ se] (refl.pron.) oneself (use bumbey for third person only), a cindi kayna ngey bumbey ga kaa In a little while they themselves will come, ay bumbo n 'a tunandi, a na nga bumbo fu hanse he repaired his own house |
buunay \\ // 1. (v.) to be weak, to be skinny (body); to be thin (thread) [gonda londibuunay] 2. buunay, buuna (n.)blade, stalk (botany) |
bundu, bundo \bun du, bun do\ // (L11) (n.) wood, timber, lumber; stick, cane, stake; handle of tools, helve; gallows; hi bundu, hi bundo \\ (n.) mast |
bunga, bunga \\ // (L15) (n.) sowing hole, seed planting hole |
burnye {burɲe} \\ // 1. (v.) to invite; I na ay kayna nda nga kurnye burnye hiija hawyaŋo do they had invited my younger sister and her husband to the marriage 2. (n.) invitation; feast, banquet burnye te \\ (v.) to make a feast, a banquet; a na burnye bambata tee he made a great feast |
burtakoy namaqua \\ // (L5) (n.) dove (bird) |
burtu \\ // (L5) (n.) northern ground hornbill (bird) |
buru, buro \bu ro, bu ro\ // (n.) cloud |
buuru, buuro \buu ru, buu ro\ // (L10) (n.) bread buuru-ize, buuru-izo \\ (n.) (bread) roll, bun; slice of bread buuru motto, buuru motta \\ (n.) dough |
buutal, buutalo (F) {butal, butalo; buutel, buutelo} \buu tal, buu tal o\$ // (L12) (n.) bottle (substance, not vessel) buutal-ize, buutal-izo \buu tal ize, buu tal izo\ (n.) flacon, flask (i.e. small bottle) |
bute, buto \bu te, bu to\ // (L10) (n.) vagina; buttocks (insult) |
butik, butiko (F) \\ // (L6) [faadi] (n.) shop, store |
butikkoy, butikkoyo \\ // (L6, 8, 11) (from butik) [faadikoy] (n.) shopkeeper, retailer |
buuyaŋ, buuyaŋo {buuyoŋ} \buu yaŋ, buu yaŋ o\ // (L17) (n.) death; (the action of) dying buuyaŋ hane, buuyaŋ hano \\ (n.) dying day (L7) |
buzugu \\ // (L15) 1. (adv.) tufted 2. (v.) to germinate, to sprout; to tuft |
buzugu, buzugo \\ // (L15) (n.) stomach; paunch, rumen |
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