Cawyaŋ Zarma Sanni |
C |
cabay, caba \\ // [cabu] (n.) baptism; shave |
cabe {cebe} \ca be\ // (L16) [yaamar, jaabi] (v.) to show, to point, to guide; to advise |
cabeko, cabekwa {cebkow} \ca be ko\ // (n.) guide; adviser |
cabeyaŋ, cabeyaŋo {cebyoŋ} \ca be yaŋ, ca be yaŋ o\\ // [yaamaryaŋ] (n.) (act of) pointing, showing, guiding; advising, advise |
cabu {cebu} \several\// (L12) 1. \ca bu\ $ (v.) to shave, to cut hair 2. \ca bu\ (v.) to stumble, to trip [kati] |
2. cabu, cabo {cebu, cebo} \ca bu\ // [cabay] (n.) baptism; shave |
caada (H) \caa da\$ // (L8) 1. (pred. adj.) expensive, dear 2. (v.) to be expensive, to cost al lot |
caadante \\ // (adj.) expensive, precious, hiiri caadantey precious stones |
cahã {cahaŋ} \ca hã\ // (L18) (v.) to hurry (oneself), to act rapidly |
cahãandi {cahaŋendi} \ca hã an di\ // (v.) to hurry up (someone), to bustle off |
cahãyaŋ, cahãyaŋo {ca haŋ yoŋ} \\ // (L18) (n.) haste da cahãyaŋ \da ca hã yaŋ\ (adv.) hastily, with haste |
caakay, caaka \caa kay\ // (L23) (n.) (traditional) weaver |
candi {cendi} \cen di\ // (v.) to pull, to draw, to stretch |
canse {cense} \can se\ // (v.) to be jealous, to be envious; ay ga canse Hama gaa I am jealous for Hama |
canse, cansa {cense, censa} \can se, can sa\ // (n.) jealous, envious; ni gonda canse fotto ni bine ra you have bitter jealousy in your heart |
caram {cerram, cerem} \ca ram\ // (L25) (v.) to be crafty, to be wily, to be tricky (exception: when a small child begins to learn to do things, he is said to be cerram, with no pejorative intention) |
caraw, carawo {cerow; cerraw} \cer raw, cer raw o\ // (L20) (n.) side of chest caraw gaa \\ (adv.) on the side of, on the wall of, ni kambe wow carawo gaa on your left side |
care {cere, cara} \ca re\ // (L9) (pron.) the other, each other, together, i ne ngey da care se they said one to another, I binde koy care banda They went together care banda {cere banda} \\ (pron.) together care ra {cere ra} \\ (pron.) in each other, together [cella]; i soobay ka hã ngey da care game ra they inquired and asked |
carmanto, carmanta* {cermanto} \car man to\ // (adj.) smart, intelligent, cunning, crafty |
carmay, carmayo (carma) {cermey, cerma} \car may, car may o\$ //
(L25) (from caram) (n.) craftiness, trickiness, cleverness borey kaŋ yaŋ sinda carmay \\ the simple ones di da carmay \\ seize him deception |
casu {cesu, cessu} \ca su\ // (L20) (v.) to make a detour, to take a roundabout route; to walk along, to follow (a track, a shore) casu gaa {cessu ga} \\ (adv.) round about, on all sides of |
casu, caso \ca su\ // (n.) detour, roundabout route; outline, contour |
casuyaŋ, casuyaŋo {cesyoŋ} \ca su yaŋ, ca su yaŋ o\ // (n.) (act of) walking round, going round, making a detour |
cat \\ // (L18) da cat \da cat\ (adv.) with difficulties, hardly; iri go ga gana a jabo gaa da cat we are following its shore with difficulty |
catu {cetu}\ca tu\ // (L13) (v.) to throw away from, to lance catu-catu {cetu-cetu} \\ (v.) to pelt, to throw many times (L18) |
catuko, catukwa {cetkow} \ca tu ko, ca tu kwa\ // (n.) lancer, thrower |
catuyaŋ, catuyaŋo {cetyoŋ, cetyoŋo} \ca tu yaŋ, ca tu yaŋ o\ // (n.) throw, cast, (act of) throwing, casting, lancing |
caw {cew} \caw\ // (L7) (v.) to read; to study, to learn me-a-me caw \\ (v.) read out loud |
caw, cawo {cew} \caw\ // (L16) (n.) study |
cawandi {cewendi} \ca wan di\ // (L19) [bayrandi, dandanand, dondonandii] (v.) to teach, to teach a 'religion'; to learn to read |
cawandiko, cawandikwa \ca wan di ko\ // (L6, 11) (n.) teacher, instructor |
cawko, cawkwa {cewko, cewkowa} \caw ko\ // (n.) reader (someone who reads) |
cawyaŋ, cawyaŋo {cewyoŋ} \caw yaŋ, caw yaŋ o\ // (L7) (n.) (act of) reading; studying cawyaŋ fu, cawyaŋ fuwo (n.) coran school |
ce {ce} \several\ // (L6) 1. \ce\ (v.) to call; to ring up; (by extention) to invited [burnye] |
2. \ce\ (adv.) time (as in one time, twice, many times) (L6, 12) [sorro] ce fo \ce fo\$ once ce hinka \ce hin ka\ twice, ce hinza \\ three times ce boobo \ce boo bo\ often, many times ce fooyaŋ \ce foo yaŋ\ sometime ce kulu \ce ku lu\ every time |
3. ce, ca \cê\$ // (L20) (n.) leg, foot ce-beeri \\ (n.) (African) elephant (mammal) (L5) ce-camse \\ (n.) toenail (L10) [SK ce-moosi] ce ga \ce gâ\ (adv.) afoot (L10) ce-ize, ce-izo \ce i ze\ (n.) toe (L20) ce-kondo, ce-konda {ce koŋkono} \\ (n.) heel (L10) ce konno \ce kon no\ (n.) eighth month of lunar year or Muslim calender (L25) [ce waasu] ce-mo, ce-mwa {ce mowa} \\ (n.) ankle (L10) ce wasso (Dendi) \\ (n.) eighth month of lunar year (L25) [ce konno] koy ce gaa \\ (v.) to walk, to go on foot (L12) |
ceceena, ceceena \ce cee na\ // (n.) fritter of beans; hair style of young woman |
ceeci {ceci} \cee ci\ // (L5) (v.) to seek, to search, to hunt for, to look for |
ceeci, ceeca \cee ci, cee ca\ // (n.) research, investigation; search |
ceeciko, ceecikwa {ceecikow; ceecikoy} \\ // (n.) researcher, investigator, scientist; searcher, seeker handariya ceeciko, handariya ceecikwa \\ (n.) enchanter, astrologer [lit. star researcher] |
ceeciyaŋ, ceeciyaŋo {ceciyan; ceecyoŋ} \cee ci yaŋ, cee ci yaŋ o\ // (L8) (n.) (act of) looking, searching |
cella (SK) \ce la\ // (L17) [cere ra, care ra] (pron.) in each other, together |
ceeri \several\ // (L16) 1. (v.) \cee ri\ to snap, to break (as a stick or bone does); to destroy ceeri-ceeri \\ (v.) to break in pieces, to shatter, i n'a ceeri-ceeri it broke in pieces, it shattered 2. (v.) \cee ri\ to practice sorcery; to be fond of meat |
ceeri, ceero \cee ri\ // (n.) sorcery |
ceeriyaŋ, ceeriyaŋo \cee ri yaŋ, cee ri yaŋ o\ // 1. (n.) violence; fracture; (act of) breaking 2. (n.) (act of) practicing sorcery, being fond of meat |
ceeriko, ceerikwa \cee ri ko, cee ri kwa\ // 1. (n.) violent (person) 2. (n). sorcerer, sorceress ('eater of souls'); a meat lover |
cessant \\ // (L20) [casu gaa] (adv.) round about; on al sides of |
ci \ci\ // (L9) (v.) to tell (rarely 'to say'); to inform |
cibsi \cib si\ // (L25) [cimsi] (n). twelfth month of lunar year |
ciiko, ciikwa {ciikow} \cii ko, cii kwa\ // (n.) informant, intelligencer; rapporteur, reporter |
cilla, cilla \cil la\ // (L20) (n.) basket (reed) |
cim {cimi} \cim (i)\ // (L15) (v.) to be right, correct, to be true; to say the truth Ni ga cim! (interj.) You're right! |
cimandi {cimendi} \ci man di\ // (L19) (v.) to believe (a statement); to confirm, to affirm, to assure |
cimandiyaŋ, cimandiyaŋo \\ // (n.) (act of) believing, faith cimandiyaŋ-jaŋay \\ (n.) unbelieving |
cimi, cimo \ci mi, ci mo\ // (L8) (n.) truth cimi-noyan-jaŋko, cimi-noyan-jaŋkwa \\ (n.) a unbeliever (person of no faith) (L22) cimi-noyko, cimi-nokwa \\ (n.) a believer (L22) |
cimiko, cimikwa {cimko; cimciiko} \ci mi ko, ci mi kwa\ (n.) loyal person, who alway tells the truth |
cimsi, cimso \cim si, cim so\ // (L25) [cibsi] (n.) Tabanski, 70 days after the Ramadan celebration; twelfth month of lunar year |
cina {cin} \ci na\ // (L12) (v.) to build, to construct; to form; yaadin cine no a na fuwo cina ka kubandi d'a so he built the house, and finished it |
cinako, cinakwa {cinkow} \ci na ko, ci na kwa\ // (n.) constructor, bricklayer, builder kusu cinako, kusu cinakwa {kusu cinakoy} \\ (n.) potter; potter's vessel cinako goni \\ (n.) master builder; ay na daba sinji, mate kaŋ cinako goni I laid a foundation as a master builder |
cinante, cinanto, cinanta* \ci nan te\ // (adj.) build, brick |
cinari, cinaro \ci na ri, ci na ro\ // (L23) (n.) construction, building; wall cinari kuuku \\ (n.) tower, high wall |
ciinay {ciiney} \cii nay\ // (v.) to whisper, to mutter, to breathe; to talk in secret; to gossip, to speak ill of someone behind his/her back |
ciinay, ciina {ciiney} \cii nay\ // (n.) secret, secret words; whisper, whispering(s), mutter |
ciinayko, ciinakwa {ciineykow} \cii nay ko, cii nay kwa\ // (n.) person who talks in secret; gossip, backbiter |
ciinayyaŋ, ciinayyaŋo {ciineyyoŋ, ciineyyoŋo} \cii nay yaŋ, cii nay yaŋ o\ // (n.) (act of) talking in secret, gossiping |
cindi \cin di\$ // (L6) (v.) to remain, to be left over |
cindi, cindo \cin di, cin do\$ // (n.) remainder, rest |
cindo, cinda \cin do, cin da\ // (n.) sixth finger (infirmity) |
cine, cina \ci ne, ci na\$ // (L18) [himandi] (n.) likeness, kind; equal, equivalent, peer, a go ga tatanji sanda boro kaŋ bugu cine he is staggering like a drunken man mansaη cine {mansancine} \\ (pron.) on the same time, at the identical moment (L17) saayaη cine \\ (pron.) when (the kind of time that) [waati fo] ya cine, ya din cine {yaadin cine} \\ (adv.) so, likewise, sanda mate kaŋ cine dayko go, ya din cine no neerako mo ga bara as it will be with the buyer, so it will be with the seller |
ciine, ciineyo \cii ne, cii ne yo\ // (L4, 18, 20) [sanni] (n.) speech, foreign language |
ciini, ciino (cin) \cii ni, cii no\$ // (L6) (n.) night ciini-bine, ciini-bino \cii ni - bi ne\ (n.) midnight ciini-gamo \cii ni - ga mo\ (n.) midnight ciini zeen \cii ni - zeen\ (n.) midnight |
cirandi {cirendi} \\ // (v.) to make red; to become red, feeji kuuru kaŋ i cirandi rams’ skins dyed red |
ciraw, cirawo \ci raw , ci raw o\ // (n.) eyeliner (black) ciraw-tongo, ciraw tonga \ci raw ton go\ // (n.) small pouch to store eyeliner |
ciray {cirey} \ci ray\$ // (v.) to be red |
ciray, ciray, cira* \ci ray\$ // (L9) (adj.) red (sometimes brown, dark yellow, scarlet, etc.), bari cirayyaŋ red horses ciray-ciray \\ (adj.) pink, light red, reddish (L18) [bana] basi ciray \\ (n.) raw meat |
cirayyaŋ, cirayyaŋo {cireyyoŋ} \ci ray yaŋ, ci ray yaŋ o\ // (n.) redness |
cire \ci re\$ // 1. (post.) under, below, beneath (L4) 2. (adv.) beneath, under (L20) |
ciiri, ciiro \cii ri, cii ri\ // (L10) (n.) salt ciiri-ciiri \cii ri - cii ri\ (v.) to be salty, saline ciiri-kora \cii ri - ko ra\ (n.) bar of salt |
ciita, ciitaa // \\ (n.) ginger (Zingiber officinale) |
ciiti \cii ti\ // (L23) (v.) to judge |
ciiti, ciito \several\ // 1. \cii ti, gii to\ (n.) judgement, juridical affair 2. \ci ti, ci to\ (n.) gecko (animal) |
ciya# \ci ya\ // (L22) (v.) to become, to be; a ma si ciya baji boobo hanko he is not a drinker |
ciyaŋ, ciyaŋo {ciyaŋ} \ci yaŋ, ci yaŋ o\ // (L15) (from ci) (n.) communication, information |
coro, cora \several\ // (L13p) 1. \co ro, co ra\ (n.) close friend; placenta 2. \co ro, co ra\ (n.) ladder |
corotaray, corotara \\ // (L9, 22) (n.) friendship, companionship corotaray te \\ (v.) to befriend |
curo, cura \cu ro, cu ra\ // (L3) [fatkoy] (n.) bird curo bi, curo biyo\\ (n.) helmeted guinea fowl (bird) (L5) curo kayna, curo kayna \\ (n.) wad birds (bird) (L5) |
curkusay, curkusa {SK cirgosu} \cur ku say\ // (L24) [arcirkar, alcirkaaray] (n.) midday meal (may be as late as 2 p.m. or more) |
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