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Cawyaŋ Zarma Sanni

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Dictionary Zarma - English



  ma [m'] \\ // (L10, 11, 22)
verb auxiliary indicating mood
1. positive imperative mood singular (L11)
2. subjunctive mood (L10)
3. narrative mood (L22)
  4. ma, maa {maa, maayo} \ma\ // (L19)
(n.) name, designation; reputation, fame
ma daη \\ (v.) to name, to give a name
ma ga \\ (post.) in name of
ma te \\ (v.) to divine, to forebode, to forefeel
  maa# {ma}\maa\ // (L3, 13)
1. (v.) to hear; to listen, to obey [hangan]
Oho, ni mana maa! Yes, you didn’t hear!
2. (v.) to feel
maa fufule \\ (v.) to feel the heat; to be enough (L13)
3. (v.) to understand [faham]
  Madala! \\ // (L15)
(interj.) Praise the lord! That's wonderful
  madam (F) \\ // (L3, 6)
(n.) Madame, lady
  maafay, maafayo {mafey, mafeyo} \maa fay\ // (L16)
(n.) meat and vegetable stew
  malafa, malafa \ma la fa\ // (L13) [malfa]
(n.) gun
  malam (H) \ma lam\ // (L3) [alfa, alfaga; meetar]
(n.) marabou, religious teacher; by extension a priest
  malankasi \\ // (L10) [tay]
(n.) pancreas
  malfa, malfa \mal fa\ // (L13) [malafa]
(n.) gun
  man \man\$ // (L9) [nangu kaŋ]
(adv.) where
  maan {man} \máan\ // (L18) [maanu]
(v.) to approach, to come near; to be near
  mana \\ // (L8) [manti]
(aux.) not (past negative);
araŋ mana kaaru cinari kortimey ra you have not gone up into the gaps
mana ... hay kulu \\ nothing; i mana di hay kulu mo! they have see nothing!
mana ... jina \\ not yet; ay alwaato mana to jina my time has not yet come
  maanandi {maanendi} \maa nan di\ //
1. (v.) to become fat, fatten (from maani)
2. (v.) to bring or take nearer (from maan)
  mangu, mango {maŋgu, maŋgo} \man gu\ //
(n.) mango
  maani \maa ni\ //
1. (v.) te be fat
  2. maani, maano \maa ni\ //
(n.) fat
  mannaŋ {mannan; manan} \man naŋ\ // (L15)
(adv.) last year, prior year
mannaŋ fo \\ (adv.) year before last, penultimate year
  mansaŋ {mansan} \man saŋ\ // (L17)
(adj.) now (adjective; 17)
mansaŋ cine {mansancine} \\ (adj.) on the same time, at the identical moment
  manti \man ti\ // (L8) [mana]
(adv.) not (present and future negative);
Hama se no a go ga salaŋ, manti ni se to Hama he will speak, not to you
da manti \\ (conj.) unless; da manti a g'a feeri no unless he interprets
da manti yaadin \\ (conj.) otherwise, if not;
  manu \\ //
see maray
  maanu \maa nu\ // (L18p) [maan]
1. (adv.) near, nearly, about, almost
2. (v.) to be near
  maray {marey, mare} \ma ray\ // (L15)
(v.) to injure, to be wounded, to be hurt, to be injured (not to feel pain);to be distressed;
i maray wongu ra they were wounded in battle
manu ka maray \\ (v.) to almost be hurt
  marga {margan} \\ // (L13) [margu]
1. (v.) see marga
  2. marga, marga \mar ga\ // [margari, margamay, marganay; batu]
(n.) group meeting, gathering, assembly; division
  margakoy, margakoyo \\ //
(n.) persons who arranges palaver
  margan {marga, margandi} \mar gan\ // (L13) [margu]
1. (v.) to unit, to join (together), to group, to bring together; to gather, to assemble;
a koy nango kaŋ borey marga he went there where the people gathered.
2. (v.) to mate (with), to sleep with (sex)
margan nd cere \mar gan nd ce re\ (v.) to mate with
  margandi \\ //
(v.) see margan
  margananto, margananta \mar ga nan to\ //
(adj.) united, assembled
  marganyaŋ, marganyaŋo {marganyoŋ} \mar gan yaŋ, mar gan yaŋ o\ //
(n.) 1. (action of) uniting, assembling; 2. (action of) mating
  margaŋko, margaŋkwa {margaŋkow} \mar gaŋ ko\ //
(n.) person who units, who assembles
  margu \mar gu\ // (L19) [marga, margan, margandi]
(v.) to gather together, to assemble; to mix; to collect, to gather;
borey ga fatta mo zaari kulu ka zaaro din ŋwaaro margu the people shall go out and gather a day’s portion every day
kuri margu \\ (n.) the bruise
  mari {meri} \several\ //
1. \ma ri\ (v.) to be thin
  2. mari, mariyo \ma ri, ma ri yo\ // (without noun imariyo)
2a. {meri, meria} (adj.) thin (never pred.adj.); goobu mariyo thin stick
2b. {meri, merio} (n.) cheetah (mammal: Acinonyx jubatus) (L5)
  maari, maaro \maa ri\ // [maari-bi; dooso-maari]
(n.) fermented product of West African locust beans used a spice and sold in form of small black balls (in French soumbala or soumbara) (seed of Parkia biglobosa)
  marje {marge} \mar je\ // (L8, 9)
(adv., adj.) how much, how many (always singular noun)
marje-marje \mar je - mar je\ (interj.) how much a piece
marje no \mar je no\ (interj.) how much is it (price) (L8)
  marksinay, marksina {margsiney; markasinay, markasina} \mark si nay\ // (L13)
(n.) whatever is common to several persons, communality, similarity; fellowship
  marsu (F) \\ // (G)
(n.) March (Zarma normally use Muslim, lunar, calendar instead of Roman calendar)
  maasa \maa sa\ // (L24)
(n.) fritter, panecake (may be made of millet, corn, flour, rice)
  mate \ma te\ // (L6, 9)
(adv.) how (interrogative only; rarely equivalent to what)
mate-mate \\ (interj.) how are you; mate-mate Nina how are you Nina;
mate cine \\ (pron.) how;
boro mate cine yaŋ no \\ what kind of men were they
mate kaŋ \\ (pron.) as, as of, the way that (L19);
danga mate kaŋ ni go \\ they were like you
  may \may\ // (L9)
(pron.) who; whose, which
  mayu (F) \\ // (G)
(n.) May (Zarma normally use Muslim, lunar, calendar instead of Roman calendar)
  me \me\ //
1. (adv). ~ (untranslatable, used to emphasize an affirmative)
me fo \me fo\ (adv.) together, simultaneously, at the same time, at first, first (L17)
Kala me! \\ (interj.) Of course!, Only just! (L18)
Oho me! \\ (interj.) Sure!, That's right! (L18)
  2. me, meyo \me, me yo\ // (L6, 10)
(n.) 2a. opening, doorway; 2b. mouth; 2c. end, edge, limit
me beene, me beena \me bee ne\ (n.) upper lip (L10, 20)
me feeri \me fee ri\ (n.) tenth month of lunar year (lit. untie the mouth); 1ste day end of fast (L25)
me ganda, me ganda \me gan da\ (n.) lower lip (L10, 20)
me hamni, me hamno \me ham ni\ (n.) moustache (L10, 20)
me haw {mehaw} \me haw\ (n.) ninth month of lunar year (fast month, lit. tie the mouth); 1ste day of fast (L25)
me kwaaray {me kwaraï} \\ (n.) Roan antelope (mammal) (L5)
salaŋ me-da-me \\ (exp.) to speak face to face, iri ga salaŋ me-da-me
  meele, meela \mee le\ // [hi; abaara]
(n.) (large) ship, boat; steam ship
  mehaw {me haw} \me haw\ // (L25)
(n.) ninth month of lunar year (fast month, lit. tie the mouth), 1st day is beginning of the fast
  mekidimbo \\ // (L5)
(n.) spur-winged goose (bird)
  meeri \mee ri\ //
1. (v.) to be ugly
  2. meeri, meeri, meero* {meeri, meero, meera} \mee ri\ // (L12)
(adj.) ugly
  meeriko, meerikwa {meerikow} \mee ri ko\ //
(n.) ugly person
  meetar, meetaro (F) {metar, metaro} \\ //
1. (n.) metre
2. (n.) primary school teacher, instructor [alfa, malam]
  miila {mila} \mii la\ // [haw, tamaha]
1. (v.) to think, to reflect
  2. miile, miila {mile, /a} \mii le //
(n.) thought, idea; concern
  miilyaŋ, miilyaŋo {miilyoŋ, /o} \miil yaŋ, miil yaŋ o\ //
(n.) (action of) thinking, reflecting
  miimanda {mimandi} \mii man da\ // (L24)
1. (v.) to gossip, to chatter; to give away, to squeal
  2. miimanda, miimanda {mimandi} \mii man da\ // (L24)
(n.) gossip, chatter; giveaway, blabber
  miimandiko, miimandikwa {miimandikow} \mii man di ko, mii man di kwa\ //
(n.) tattler, telltale, snitcher, squealer
  miimandyaŋ, miimandyaŋo {miimandyoŋ, /o} \mii mand yaŋ, mii mand yaŋ o\ //
(n.) (action of) giving away; charge, complaint
  mo \several\ // (L5)
1. \mo\ (conj.) too, also
2. \mo\ (n.) dawn, daybreak, crack of day
mo bo {moo boo, moo booyaŋ}\\ (n.) earliest day light
  3. mo, moyo / mo, mwa {mowa; moa} \several\ // (L8, 16)
3a. \mo, mo yo / mwa \§ (n.) rice (oryza sativa)
dagol mo, dagol mwa \da gol mo\ (n.) polished rice
mo hawru, mo hawro \mo haw ru\ (n.) cooked rice, rice cake
3b. \mo, mo yo / mwa\ (n.) eye [moyize, moyizo]
a gunayaŋ ga boori mo gaa it was a delight to the eyes
mo duma {moyduma} \\ (n.) face (L10)
mo hamni {moyhamni} \\ (n.) eye brow; eyelash (L10)
mo hari {moyhari} \\ (n.) tear, teardrop (noun) [mo mundi]
mo-fo-koy, mo-fo-koyo \mo fo koy\ (n.) one-eyed person (L16)
mo ize kwaariyaŋ \\ (n.) sclera, white
mo-mundi, mo-mundo \mo mun di\ (n.) tear drop, tear(L10, 20) [mo hari]
di mo-da-mo \\ (exp.) to see face to face, ay ga di nin mo-da-mo
bay mo-da-mo
\\ (exp.) to know face to face, nga kaŋ Hamdou ga bay mo-da-moza i mana boro kubandi mo-da-mo \\ (exp.) to meet face to face kaŋ i kalima d'a kalimakoy kubandi mo-da-mo
  monduma, monduma {moyduma} \mon du ma\ //
(n.) face, countenance, visage
  mongu \mon gu\ // (L19)
(v.) to be too hard, to be too difficult; to resist
  monsieur (F) \\ // (L3)
(n.) gentleman, lordship
  montr, montro (F) \\ //
(n.) watch, clock
(adj.) see mooru
(adj.) see mooru
  mooru \several\ // (L20)
1. \moo ru\ (v.) to be far, far away
2. \moo ru\§ (v.) to be sour, acid, fermented; to be tired, weary
3. \moo ru\ (v.) to caress (especially a part of ritual to consecrate an animal before sacrificing)
  4. mooru, mooro, moora* \several\ // (L20)
4a. \moo ru\ (adv.) far, remote
4b. \moo ru\§ (adv.) sour; habitually fatigued, tired, wearied
  mooso {moso} \moo so\ // (L18)
(adv.) slowly, gently
hala manti mooso \\ (adv.) not a little, considerably, quite a lot (L16)
ma te mooso\\ (adv.) take it easy (L18)
mooso-mooso \\ (adv.) very slowly, very gently (L18)
  mooto, moota {moto, mota} \moo to\ // (L5)
(n.) car, auto
  mootokoy, mootokoyo \\ // (L6)
(n.) driver; owner of a car
  motto, motta \\ //
(n.) dough; dung;
Araŋ mana bay kaŋ dalbu kayna no ga motta kulu fuurandi? Don’t you know that a little yeast leavens the whole dough?
buuru motto \\ (n.) dough
alman motto \\ (n.) dung
  Mouloud (F) \\ // (L25)
(n.) 12th day, birth of Mohammed
  mudun, muduno \mu dun, mu dun o\ // (L11)
(n.) trousers, pants
  mun \mun\ // (L12)
(v.) to pour out, to spill (also in the sense of to drop unintentionally)
  mundi, mundo {mundi, munda} \mun di\ // [hẽeni]
(n.) tear, tear-water
  muusu, muuso \muu su, muu so\ // (L1)
(n.) cat (usually domestic, but sometimes lion)
muusu aru \\ (n.) tomcat (L5)
muusu beeri, musu beero \muu su bee ri\ (n.) lion (lit. big cat) (L3)
muusu'ize {muusiize} \\ (n.) kitten; (lion) cub
muusu nya \\ (n.) puss (has given birth) (L5)
muusu way \\ (n.) puss (has not given birth) (L5)


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